Cross Country Caravans Blogging 7 Reasons to Hire a Professional Carpet Cleaner

7 Reasons to Hire a Professional Carpet Cleaner


Your carpet is a vital part of your home, creating a warm and cosy environment for you and your family to enjoy all year long.

It is also, however, the furnishing that experiences the most wear and tear of any soft furnishing with heavy traffic in living areas attracting to dirt and debris that simply cannot be removed using conventional cleaning methods such as vacuuming.

To keep your carpet looking fresh and new, and to remove all deep lying allergens from the fibres, you should have your carpet professionally cleaned at least once or twice a year.

These are 7 of the biggest advantages of hiring a professional cleaning company such as Acorn Carpet Cleaning to help maintain the carpets in your home.

1. Eliminate Stains

Its every homeowner’s worse nightmare, you’ve finally decided on the perfect carpet to suit your home, only for a spillage or stain to leave it damaged beyond repair.

Coffee, wine, pet urine, mud, and ink are all causes of stains that are difficult to remove and can leave ugly marks if mistreated.

Professional carpet cleaners will use a hot steam treatment technique to eliminate stains or, where this is impossible as the stain is embedded, minimise its visibility.

2. Create a healthy living space

Dust and allergens that gather in the fibres of your carpet cannot be completely removed through vacuuming and other DIY cleaning methods.

These lead to bacteria growth that can result in health problems such as asthma attacks, allergic reactions, coughs, sneezing, and migraines.

Professional carpet cleaning companies use cleaning equipment that applies high temperature water to the very roots of your carpet fibres, eliminating allergens and leaving the entire carpet completely sanitised.

This will help improve the air quality within your home and generally make your living space a more comfortable place to be.

3. Remove Mould

Mould developing on your carpet is another side effect of DIY cleaning attempts that can cause a range of health problems.

If the liquid from your home carpet steamer or cleaning products does not dry properly, you may be left with damp patches on your carpet that promote mould growth.

Signs of mould growth include discolouration and unpleasant smells and its presence can lead to dermatitis, eczema, and various other allergic reactions.

4. Reduce high traffic signs

Carpeted areas that experience high levels of footfall, such as hallways, and landings, will wear faster than the rest of your carpet, due to the dirt that is traipsed through them.

Although preventing carpet deterioration completely is impossible, professional carpet cleaners will be able to get rid of the dirt itself, which can cause the carpet to become darker, and ensure that the difference between these areas and the rest of your home is much less apparent.

5. Freshen up your home

With all these reasons that carpets require ongoing maintenance, why bother at all? Well, carpets are a fantastic furnishing addition for any home, providing the finishing touch to your living space.

Just as a new carpet can completely revolutionise the look of your home, so to can a professional carpet clean.

If your carpet is looking tired and you are considering shelling out hundreds for a replacement a deep clean could have your carpet fibres looking as good as new and give your home the fresh look you’re after.

6. Remove cleaning residue

Sometimes despite their product description, home cleaning products can actually leave a sticky residue behind after being used.

If steamers or the products you use to treat your carpet are old, they may be faulty or damaged and leave some cleaning solution behind after use.

This can result in stains and damp patches that may attract mould, bad odours, or pest insects.

Professional carpet cleaning equipment is not only designed to make sure that no residue is left behind, but their hot water extraction method will also remove any existing grime that has been left by previous cleaning attempts.

7. Remove Odours

There are many things that can cause your carpets to develop a nasty smell that can make your living place a less than pleasant place to be.

These include:

  • Coffee
  • Pet Urine
  • Food Waste
  • Any other spillages

The deep cleaning method, used by professional carpet cleaning companies, is often the only way to completely eliminate these odours and allow you to enjoy your comfy carpet once more.

Contact Us

To take advantage of these fantastic benefits and many more contact Acorn Carpet Cleaning today on 0141 212 0212,, or via our Live Chat.

Acorn carpet cleaning is a respected and highly regarded family owned company based in Paisley and provides customers throughout the West of Scotland industry leading carpet cleaning solutions.

Our expert team puts customer service at the heart of everything we do. providing a flexible, reliable, and friendly service and taking the utmost care of your home when on the premises.

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